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Chat widget visibility

Alicja Pawliczak
3 min read
updated: Jul 10, 2024

LiveChat visibility settings let you easily control if you want to show and when you want to show the chat widget. You can choose between disabling the chat widget icon altogether or having it hidden until a chat window gets activated. It is also possible to disable the chat widget only on mobile devices.

Use casesLink icon

Let’s look at two use cases where these options come in handy:

  • you want to give an opportunity to talk to your agents only to a specific group of customers. For example when you have a large number of visitors and not enough agents to handle all chats. Set a greeting that targets this particular group of customers and choose hide widget until it gets activated;
  • you don’t want to show the chat widget icon because it interferes with the design of your website. For example, it covers the bottom menu in your mobile app. Implement a way to start a chat that fits in your design (e.g. “Chat with us” link in the main menu) and choose always hide minimized widget icon.

Chat widget icon visibility

It is important to remember that disabling the chat widget icon could possibly lower the number of chats (if you don’t provide a way for your customers to initiate a chat).

The differences between: hide widget until it gets activated, always hide minimized widget icon and don’t show widget on mobileLink icon

Hide widget until it gets activated means that your customers won’t see the chat icon until a chat begins (either through a greeting/interaction with a start chat button/API). Once the conversation ends, the chat icon is visible and the user can start chatting with you again by clicking on it.

Chat widget visibility hide widget until it gets activated

Always hide minimized widget icon means that the customer won’t see the chat widget icon at all. A chat can only start via interaction with a start chat button/API.

Chat widget visibility always hide minimized widget icon

Don’t show widget on mobile means that your customers won’t be able to chat with your from their mobile devices at all.

Chat widget visibility don’t show chat widget on mobile

Hide widget until it gets activated and always hide minimized widget icon options can be set separately for desktop and mobile.
Hide widget until it gets activated and always hide minimized widget icon options can be set separately for desktop and mobile.

Instructions:Link icon

DesktopLink icon

  1. Go to Settings → Chat Window → Customization and click on Position.

Chat widget visibility: Go to position to edit widget icon visibility

  1. Select a radio button corresponding with your chosen option.

Chat widget visibility choose a visibility option

  1. Hit Save changes.

Chat widget visibility save changes

MobileLink icon

Edit mobile settings if you want the chat widget to be displayed differently than on desktop.

  1. Go to Settings → Chat Window → Customization and click on Mobile Chat widget.

Chat widget visibility go to mobile chat widget

  1. Select Custom for mobile devices and scroll down.

Chat widget visibility Custom for mobile devices

  1. Select a radio button corresponding with your chosen option

Chat vidget visibility choose a mobile visibility option

  1. Hit Save changes.

Chat widget visibility save changes for mobile

If you want to disable widget on mobile (please note that as a result, you won’t be able to talk to mobile device users at all) follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the Show chat widget on mobile switch - it will grey out .

Mobile chat widget visibility

  1. Hit Save changes.

Mobile chat widget visibility save changes

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