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Configuring working hours

Wojciech Pollok
3 min read
updated: Mar 3, 2025
This feature is available in Business and Enterprise plans.
This feature is available in Business and Enterprise plans.

Set up working hours for your agents to make sure each shift is properly staffed. Relax and let automation take care of agents’ statuses for you!

Working hours in LiveChat

This feature switches agents’ statuses to Accept chats during pre-set working hours and to Don’t accept chats during offline time. This way, agents who are about to go offline can finish ongoing chats or transfer them to their colleagues without the risk of getting new conversations assigned to them.

If such a need arises, agents can still change their status manually after the work scheduler sets it automatically.

Working hours use the timezone set on an agent’s device. So if you start your shift at 2 pm, LiveChat will switch your status to ‘Accept chats’ when your system clock hits 2 pm. Make sure to check if your system time is in sync with your local time to avoid any confusion.
Working hours use the timezone set on an agent’s device. So if you start your shift at 2 pm, LiveChat will switch your status to ‘Accept chats’ when your system clock hits 2 pm. Make sure to check if your system time is in sync with your local time to avoid any confusion.

How to set working hoursLink icon

Follow these steps to set working hours for your agents:

Go to the Team section and select agents whose working hours you want to modify.
Select Availability settings.
Choose According to working hours from 3 available options and select Next: Set working hours.
Select days of the week and assign working hours to them.
Select Save to finalize the setup.
You can set working hours for your bots the same way you do for live agents. Once it is done, switch off the bot. It’ll get switched automatically on the next time its working hours start according to schedule.
You can set working hours for your bots the same way you do for live agents. Once it is done, switch off the bot. It’ll get switched automatically on the next time its working hours start according to schedule.

Additional featuresLink icon

Copy hours to other daysLink icon

You can copy already set hours from one day to another without the need to set them manually again and again. You can do so on the availability settings panel by selecting Copy hours to…

Working hours copy to other days

Select the days you want to set the hours for and then Apply. That’s it!

Working hours confirm copies

Add working hours intervals during a single dayLink icon

Setting up breaks for agents has never been easier. You can easily achieve it in the availability settings panel by selecting the + sign.

Working hours intervals

Edit working hours in the agent’s profile settingsLink icon

If you want to correct a single agent’s working hours in a hurry, you may prefer to do so in their profile’s settings panel. Simply double-click on an agent in the Team section, and scroll down to reach the Agent status after logging in section. There you can edit the working hours just like in the availability settings panel.

Working hours profile edit

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