1. It is good practice to supplement test manuals with images and videos. A chart can literally be worth a thousand words, a GIF of a process can explain the steps to visual learners, and a video engages the viewer and assures them that they understand the procedure correctly. Add images or GIFs to KnowledgeBase articles To add an image to a KnowledgeBase article, log into KnowledgeBase and go to Articles. Open the article you want to edit and find the spot where the image or animation is needed.

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  2. We have taken all measures to keep all information appropriately protected. Check the rest of post to get detailed information about our security standard.

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  3. Learn how we calculate agent ranking for chat & ticket satisfaction reports in LiveChat. See why we chose Wilson score to do it.

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  4. Set agent working hours to ensure proper staffing. Update their statuses automatically, streamlining shifts and eliminating the need for manual control.

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  5. See visitors activity on your site in real time and proactively help them in their buying decisions thanks to Ecwid & LiveChat integration.

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  6. You’re strolling down the street in search of a new purchase. You come across two stores. One looks like your run-of-the-mill, generic establishment—nothing really catches your eye. The other? Oh, it’s a whole different story. Its storefront is sleek, visually stunning, and beckons you with tempting offers and crystal-clear visuals. Which one do you enter? Exactly. That split-second decision illustrates the power of a first impression. And in the realm of online customer engagement, that’s where the welcome screen comes into play.

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  7. osCommerce LiveChat integration allows you to add a chat widget to your e-commerce website! Start closing more deals with just a few easy steps

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  8. Check how campaigns can be used to generate leads, automate targeted marketing, guide customers around your website, schedule appointments, and more!

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    • Best practices
  9. AI-powered technologies have been a game-changer for communication and customer service enrichment. Our LiveChat product AI updates are packed with advantages that will boost your customer experience and make you want to use our services like never before! This article explores the benefits of AI-related initiatives. Our intention is to uphold these commitments throughout the deployment process, ensuring our product is built upon a secure and robust foundation. Looking for a proper live chat solution for your business?

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  10. If this is the beginning of your adventure with LiveChat, you’ve come to the right place. If you’ve been using LiveChat for a while, it’s high time we introduce you to all the ways the experience can be even better for you and your customers. Our Marketplace offers over 200 integrations that will help you take your customer engagement to the next level. They can: save your agents’ valuable time. enhance your customers’ experience.

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Chats section overview

Alicja Pawliczak
13 min read
updated: Feb 26, 2025

Chats section is where the communication between agents and customers happens. Here you can provide round the clock support and boost sales by converting people who are casually browsing your website into customers.

Chats section overview

LiveChat provides quite a few tools that help with handling chats effectively. Below, you can find a rundown of the most important features and options available in the Chats section.

Chat listLink icon

The chat list is divided into three sections: my chats (all of your ongoing conversations), queued chats (customers who are waiting to start a chat) and supervised chats (conversations you are currently supervising).

LiveChat chat list

My chatsLink icon

A list of your ongoing chats. You can switch between them by clicking on the names of customers. We will let you know that you received a new message through in-browser notifications.

My chats list

There are two types of chat statuses:

  • active - either you or the customer has written something recently, these chats stay at the top of your list as they require your attention the most.

Active chat list

  • inactive - the customer hasn’t responded for a certain time (you can set the time after a chat turns inactive in Settings); it doesn’t necessarily mean that a customer has left, they might just need more time to respond; all inactive chats are greyed out and are placed at the bottom of the list

Inactive chat list

Note that inactive chats don’t count into the concurrent chats limit; so if a chat becomes active again you might end up with more chats than your set limit.
Note that inactive chats don’t count into the concurrent chats limit; so if a chat becomes active again you might end up with more chats than your set limit.

Queued chatsLink icon

Visitors who are waiting for an available agent. If you have some free time on your hands just pick a customer from the list to start a conversation.

Queued chats

Supervised chatsLink icon

Chats that are currently handled by other agents in your account, you can pick which chats you want to supervise in the Traffic section. To help your teammates without going over to their desk, you can send them a message in chat that is invisible to the customer.

Supervised chats list

Unassigned ChatsLink icon

Unassigned chats are chat messages submitted while your team is offline. There are several integrations that allow customers to reach you during offline hours:

Another source of unassigned chats is when the chat widget availability is set to always. It’s an asynchronous form of communication that doesn’t require both parties to be online in a chat to send messages to each other (like Facebook Messenger).

Messages submitted using this mode show up as unassigned chats in the LiveChat Agent app Chats section:

Unassigned chats list

Agents can answer them once they login into the app. Responses are sent to visitors’ email addresses as well as directly into the chat window on your website:

Unassigned chat response

As you can see, LiveChat makes offline communication really seamless!

To handle several chats at the same time efficiently, you need to keep switching between them. Your visitors don’t know that you are chatting with more than one person and could get impatient if you don’t respond for a long time. You can also switch between chats using keyboard shortcuts.
To handle several chats at the same time efficiently, you need to keep switching between them. Your visitors don’t know that you are chatting with more than one person and could get impatient if you don’t respond for a long time. You can also switch between chats using keyboard shortcuts.

Chat list improvementsLink icon

Sorting optionsLink icon

You can conveniently sort your queued and active chats by newest or oldest entries. These sorting options work on your chat list, and in the archives.

Sorting affect active chats only. Inactive chats are displayed under the sorted list, to avoid the confusion.
Sorting affect active chats only. Inactive chats are displayed under the sorted list, to avoid the confusion.

You can find the sorting options at the top of your chats list:

Reworked chat list timerLink icon

The new timer refreshes with each message sent from agents or clients, providing real-time insights into response times. This improvement aids you in monitoring how long clients are waiting for your attention and makes chats prioritization a breeze.

Agent response markLink icon

The mark represents answered chats (the last response in a chat sent by an agent). This feature removes the hassle of entering every conversation one by one to determine who made the last comment. Now you can easily pick unattended clients without leaving your chats list. Navigate your conversations with newfound clarity thanks to this distinctive UI mark.

Private messages don’t display the agent response mark on the chats list.

Chat feedLink icon

This is where the actual conversation takes place, aka the heart and soul of our app.

LiveChat Chat Feed

Chat historyLink icon

In the history of your chat, you can see both the messages that were sent during the current conversation and messages that were sent before (providing the person you are talking to hasn’t cleared cookies since your last conversation).


Text areaLink icon

To send a message, just type in your answer and press enter. We give your visitors a heads up that you are typing something so they know they need to wait for your reply. Once you press enter, your message will be sent to the visitor. And you will see it in the chat history.

Text area

Tip: Make sure you keep your messages short and informative and give your customers some time to read your message before sending the next one.
Tip: Make sure you keep your messages short and informative and give your customers some time to read your message before sending the next one.

Message sneak-peekLink icon

Message sneak-peek, lets you see what the visitor is typing before they send it over. This allows you to start thinking of the answer faster, making your responses quicker.

Message sneak peek

Canned responsesLink icon

Canned responses are predefined messages that can store a large portion of text to be later recalled with shortcuts. To use canned responses in chats or tickets, simply type in # followed by the shortcut for the response you wish to use.

Add canned responses

Learn how to create canned responses and more about their benefits in the canned responses tutorial.

AutocompleteLink icon


Your text area comes equipped with an autocomplete feature based on the English dictionary that can significantly boost your typing speed.

While typing a word, Autocomplete checks the possible outcome and provides you with suggestions for completed words to instantly fill in. It adapts automatically with every character you type.

Autocomplete is available on Team, Business, and Enterprise subscription plans. Check our pricing page for more details.

You can accept a suggestion with the TAB or –> keys to instantly complete the word you’re typing.

If Autocomplete provides you with several suggestions, you can use the arrow keys ↕️ to switch between them and then press the -> key to complete the word.

Please note, that Autcomplete doesn’t work on mobile devices.

Autocomplete works only when the chat widget’s language is set to English. Manage your language settings here. If you’re using the groups feature, please check the following tutorial to see how to manage languages for your groups.

If you don’t want to use Autocomplete at all, you can disable it in the text area:

Disable Autocomplete

EmojisLink icon

It is always a good idea to mirror the language of your customer. If they use formal language, make sure to be formal as well, but if they are informal and use emoticons, by all means, add emojis to your messages too. Click on the emoji icon to choose from over 1000 emojis in 8 categories.

Choose from over 1000 emojis.

Emoji reactionsLink icon

You and your customers can react to each other messages with emojis. Each time you react, you pick a picture from a list.

It’s a simple, fast, and convenient way to let each other know how you feel. For example, you can use the hourglass emoji to let a customer know that you’re looking into their query. Or leave them a heart emoji as a reaction to their positive feedback, it will encourage them to write more in the future. 

Give emoji reactions a go. You’ll be surprised how much impact a small picture can make!

Emoji reaction does not affect inactivity timeouts or other chat reports in any way. Feel free to react as much as you want!
Emoji reaction does not affect inactivity timeouts or other chat reports in any way. Feel free to react as much as you want!

To send an emoji reaction as an agent:Link icon

Hover your mouse over the message you want to react to.
Select the smiley icon, and then select the emoji you want to send.

To send an emoji reaction as a visitor:Link icon

Hover your mouse over the message you want to react to.
Select the smiley icon, and then select the emoji you want to send.

To change or unsend your reaction:Link icon

Click on the reaction you want to edit. Select another emoji to change the reaction, or select the current one to unsend it.

Clear, easy to use, and fun. Just another great way to share positive feelings over a chat!

On mobile apps, agents can view emoji reactions sent by visitors, but they can’t react themselves.

TagsLink icon

Use tags to categorize chats and easily find all conversations that deal with the same issue later on. Tags can be added and edited in Settings.

Share filesLink icon

You can send and receive files over chats using the file sharing option. Use it to pass all kinds of documents, for example, marketing materials, product catalogs, and guides.

Tag chats

How to send a fileLink icon

  1. Click on the paperclip icon in the bottom left corner.

Send files over LiveChat

  1. Choose a file you want to send and click Open.
You can also copy to clipboard and paste the file into chat. You can use the key combinations (Control+C, Control+V for Windows and Command ⌘+C, Command ⌘+V for Mac) or right-click the file and pick the command from the menu.

Alternatively, drag and drop files into the chat. Click and hold the selected file and drag it over the chat area.
You can also copy to clipboard and paste the file into chat. You can use the key combinations (Control+C, Control+V for Windows and Command ⌘+C, Command ⌘+V for Mac) or right-click the file and pick the command from the menu.

Alternatively, drag and drop files into the chat. Click and hold the selected file and drag it over the chat area.
  1. To finalize click Send.

Click on send to share files over LiveChat

Share reviewsLink icon

You can easily share your customers’ reviews on popular social media platforms like X, Facebook or LinkedIn, promoting your customer service excellent skills. The review is displayed on a stylish background along with a Verified by LiveChat badge, setting it apart on feeds and walls.

Review example

You can share reviews directly from a chat by selecting the share icon and then selecting the platform where you want it to show:

Share review

Your reviews are also stored in a dedicated Reviews section as a part of the LiveChat reports. Visit it to find a full list of positive reviews and the option to share them as well.

TransferLink icon

Chat transfers allow you to transfer a chat to another agent or group. Always make sure that the agent receiving the transfer is aware of the incoming chat.

How to transfer a chatLink icon

  1. Select the three dots icon in the top right corner.

How to transfer chat to another agent

  1. Select Transfer to….

Click on transfer to in the LiveChat app

  1. Choose either an agent or a group (you need to switch to Group tab to choose a group). To finalize click on Choose.

Click on choose to transfer chat to the selected agent

How to send a noteLink icon

Notes let you send private messages (visible to agents only) while transferring chats. Notes are available in the Business and Enterprise subscription plans.

  1. Select the +Add private note button at the bottom of the Transfer panel.

How to add a note

  1. Write a message in a text area. Select the Transfer button to send the message along with the transferred chat as a note.

How to send a note

That’s it. The chat will be transferred immediately and you can focus on helping other customers.

TicketsLink icon

Sometimes one conversation isn’t enough to solve a customer’s problem. This is where tickets come in handy. You can create them right from a chat - that way the transcript from the conversation will be included.

How to create a ticket from a chatLink icon

  1. Click on the three dots “” icon in the top right corner.

How to create a ticket from chat

  1. Click on Create ticket…

Click on create a ticket in LiveChat Agent App

  1. Provide the e-mail address of your customer, and a title of the ticket

Provide visitor email and ticket subject

  1. Click on Create ticket.

Click on create ticket

That’s it! You can head to the Tickets section to assign a person responsible, add new information, edit it’s status etc.

Ban CustomersLink icon

Unfortunately, sometimes you need to ban a customer who sends spam or uses abusive language. We’re big fans of conflict resolution but the safety and comfort of your agents is key.

How to ban a customerLink icon

Select the three dots icon “…” in the top right corner.
Click on Ban this customer.
Select the number of days the visitor should be banned for.
To finalize, select Ban customer.

That’s it. You can see the list of all the banned customers in Settings. If you made a mistake, you can always unban a customer.

End chatLink icon

Once you respond to all the questions or solve all your visitor’s problems, you can close the chat. There are actually two ways to close a chat: from the chat list and from the chat feed.

How to end a chat (chat list)Link icon

  1. Hover over the name of the customer in the chat list. An x should appear in the top right corner

How to close a chat from the Chat list

  1. Click on the x.

Click on the x to close the chat

  1. To finalize, click on Close and archive.

Click on Close and archive to finalise

How to end a chat (chat feed)Link icon

  1. Click on the three dots icon “” in the top right corner.

How to close a chat in LiveChat

  1. Choose Stop this chat.

Click on stop this chat

  1. Confirm, by clicking on Stop chat.

Confirm by clicking on stop chat in the LiveChat app

Enhance your LiveChat experience with the Super Agent app. View and manage multiple conversations with customers and your teammates from a single screen. Make collaboration and customer support even smoother! Install the Super Agent app here.
Enhance your LiveChat experience with the Super Agent app. View and manage multiple conversations with customers and your teammates from a single screen. Make collaboration and customer support even smoother! Install the Super Agent app here.

Customer detailsLink icon

Here you can find a lot of useful information about the customer you are talking to. Use it to provide more personalized support.

Customer details example

What you can find in Customer details:

  • Contact info - name, e-mail address, time zone, location;
  • Pre-chat survey - information provided in the pre-chat survey;
  • Visited pages - number of visited pages and time spent on all pages together;
  • Additional info - number of previous visits and chats;
  • Technology - user’s device information.

IntegrationsLink icon

LiveChat can be integrated with a number of helpful third-party apps. They range from CMS platforms to desktop sharing apps. You can find and install them in Marketplace. Integrations can be used right in the Chats section - once installed, you will find them at the top of the Customer details tab.

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Using transfers and supervision

Learn more about using transfers and supervision during the chat. Those tools can be used to train new agents as well as for self-help between agents team.

Read the article

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