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3dcart: LiveChat in your online store

Krzysztof Kraus
1 min read
updated: Sep 20, 2022

Start converting your visitors into customers, by adding LiveChat to your 3dcart store. All of that with just a few easy steps!

InstallationLink icon

  1. First, log into your 3dcart administration panel. From the menu on the left, click on Design tab, available under the Settings category.

Choose design tab from the menu on the left

  1. From the list of available options, pick Themes & Styles.

Pick Themes & Styles from the list of available options

  1. Now, click on More button, available at the right side of the Theme & Styles section and choose Edit Template (HTML).

  1. You will be taken to the Template Editor. To continue, modify your frame.html file by clicking on Edit button, available under the gear icon.

Edit your template to proceed

  1. Now, paste your LiveChat code just before the closing tag of your code.

Paste the code right before the closing body tag

  1. All that is left is to Save changes to the frame.html file. To do that, click on Save button, available at the top right section of the Edit template area.

Save changes to the template

Done! LiveChat is now added to your 3dcart store and you can start closing more deals and focusing on the exact needs of your customers!

And here’s how it’ll look like on your store:

3dcart add LiveChat to your store

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful but if you have any additional questions, feel free to start a chat with us - we are available 24/7/365!

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