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Manage agent accounts

Justyna Janowska
9 min read
updated: Mar 3, 2025

Bring people on board. Send them email invitations to join the Agent app, or provide an invitation link. Creating a profile for each teammate not only lets you track individual statistics but also group agents based on their skills and tasks.

Add agentsLink icon

Please make sure that you use valid email addresses to add agents to your license. An agent’s email address cannot be changed. If an agent needs to change the login email, the Owner or an Admin will need to add a new agent account in the Team section. Then the account set up for the old email can be deleted.
Please make sure that you use valid email addresses to add agents to your license. An agent’s email address cannot be changed. If an agent needs to change the login email, the Owner or an Admin will need to add a new agent account in the Team section. Then the account set up for the old email can be deleted.

You can invite people to your LiveChat Agent App by

Sending e-mail invitationsLink icon

To send e-mail invitations you need to add your teammates’ e-mail address manually. Here’s how to do it:

Go to the Team section, and select +Invite agents.
Type in or paste the emails of the people you want to join LiveChat.

Select their role.


You can also assign them to groups (optionally). Learn about groups.

Finally, select Send invites.

Your teammates will receive an invitation email with a verification link. This link redirects to a login page where the agent can choose a password and sign in.

All Admins and the Owner can invite other teammates to join their LiveChat license. Since this affects the price, the Owner, or an Admin with proper permissions, needs to approve all new agents.

Resending the invitation e-mailLink icon

In the Team section, you can see which teammates have already set up their account through your invitation, and which have not. If it is necessary, you can resend the invitation easily.

If you want to find out who hasn’t set up an account yet go to the Team section and click on Status. The column will sort agents by their current status. Look for the ones with the status: Invite sent.

Sort by Logged on to see pending invitations

If you want to send the invite again, click on Send a reminder (you will need to wait 10 minutes to resend it again).

Sharing an invite linkLink icon

If you have an entire team waiting to join you in LiveChat, it might make more sense to send them an invitation link instead of adding them one by one.

  1. First, go to the Team section in the LiveChat app. Select +Invite agents and then Copy invite link.

Select share invite link

  1. When your teammate follows the invite link, they will see a sign-up form. They need to provide their e-mail, full name, and a password.
  2. After submitting all the information and clicking on the Join your team button, they will be redirected to their LiveChat account.

And that’s it! You’ve just invited your teammates via the invitation link.

Depending on your setup, everyone on LiveChat can add new people, or only Admins and the Owner can invite other teammates to join their LiveChat license. In the latter case, the Owner, or an Admin with billing acces, needs to approve all new agents. Owners can check and change this setup in the Accounts panel. Learn more about invite settings.

Approve new agentsLink icon

Agents invited with an invitation link and agents invited by Admins without proper permissions, are listed at the top of your agents list as waiting for approval.

Agents list in the LiveChat Agent App. The arrow points to Approve button.

Select Approve to grant them access to LiveChat. In the next step you can adjust their permissions and ad them to groups.

The image shows the modal where the Owner can approve a new agent.

Set agents’ availabilityLink icon

Once your team is added, you can edit their availability in bulk. Select all the agents you need, and then pick Availability settings

List of agents with all the agents selected.

Decide if your agents should be available for chats as soon as they log into the LiveChat Agent App, or if they should have time to switch to accepting chats themselves.

Modal for choosing agent’s status after logging in.

Alternatively, you can set working hours, so that as long as the agent is logged in, they will become available for chat the moment their assigned shift starts. 

Modal for choosing agent’s status after logging in, the option to set working hours is chosen.

Learn more about setting up working hours.

Work scheduler is available in Business and Enterprise plans.

Edit agent’s accountLink icon

Apart from availability, or status after logging in, settings are specific for every single agent and need to be set individually. They can be edited by Administrators and Owner at any time.

To edit agent’s profile go to the Team section in the LiveChat Agent App. Then, double-click or select Edit from the drop-down menu.

Edit agent profile in LiveChat

You can change the following settings:

  • Profile picture - you can either choose a picture from the gallery or make the profile more personal by uploading an actual photo of the agent. The LiveChat mobile app lets you take a photo directly from the app settings.
  • Password - make sure that the agent has finished all their chats before changing the password as it will automatically log them out.
  • Job title - you can set the job title individually for all agents.
  • Groups - assign the agent to groups.
  • Permissions - decide on the agent’s role (Agent/Admin).
  • Chats limit - the concurrent chat limit sets a cap on the number of chats your agent will receive at once (the number can range from 1 to 20).
  • Status after logging in - decide if the agent will accept chats right after login or not, learn more about the statuses from this article.* Working hours** - use the work scheduler to configure the working hours for the agents.
  • Mailing - subscribe the agent for email notifications (Daily/Weekly Summary with an overview of performance and/or an email about a New ticket or unassigned chat).
  • Delete agent - This will delete the agent permanently from your LiveChat account. Note: deleting an agent won’t reduce the number of paid accounts on your Subscription.
Deleting an agent account does not remove their chats and tickets from the LiveChat Agent App.
Watch our webinar for tips on configuring your agents’ profiles (the design has changed since the video was recorded, but the tips remain valuable).
Watch our webinar for tips on configuring your agents’ profiles (the design has changed since the video was recorded, but the tips remain valuable).

Roles: owner, administrator, and agentLink icon

There are three roles in LiveChat, each serving a different purpose. You can be either an owner, an administrator or an agent.

OwnerLink icon

The owner is the person who created the LiveChat license. Owners can control each and every aspect of the license. They can add administrators and agents, change settings, access Reports and Archives. They can also access the Subscription section—change plans, add seats and set up invoices.

There can be only one owner at a time. Owner can pass the ownership onto another agent in the Subscription section, account details. When you give up ownership you become an admin.

To easily take care of the billing, the owner should have access to your company credit card.
To easily take care of the billing, the owner should have access to your company credit card.

AdministratorLink icon

Administrators have access to all features in LiveChat. They can create new accounts, change settings, access Reports, and Archives, as well as chat with customers.

What’s more, they can manage subscription (same as owners). The access to Subscription can be added or removed for each admin separately.

Change permission to access subscription for administratorsLink icon

Go to the Team section and select the agent whose permissions you wish to edit.
Double click on the agent or select Edit from the drop-down menu.
Scroll down and check the box to add permission or uncheck to remove it.
Select Save changes to confirm.

AgentLink icon

Agent is the most basic role in a LiveChat license. They can’t change settings, apart from canned responses and tags, and use LiveChat to chat with the customers and supervise chats. They can also see archived chats and Reports.

Change rolesLink icon

Go to the Team section and select the agent whose permissions you wish to edit.
Double click on the agent or select Edit from the drop-down menu.
Scroll down and check the radio button next to the role you want to choose.
Select Save changes to confirm.

Roles and groupsLink icon

Groups let you divide agents into multiple departments. If you’re using this feature, check the information below to learn how different roles interact with groups.

Admin and ownerLink icon

Admins and owner have access to archives, reports, and settings of all groups, including the ones they are not assigned to.

However, they can only accept chats and check traffic section data of groups they are assigned to.

AgentLink icon

Agents have access to reports, archives, and settings of groups they are assigned to.

They can accept chats and check traffic section data of groups they are assigned to.

Both agents and admins can see all groups and other agents listed on your LiveChat account. This makes the collaboration between different departments quick and simple!
Both agents and admins can see all groups and other agents listed on your LiveChat account. This makes the collaboration between different departments quick and simple!

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Configuring working hours

Set agent working hours to ensure proper staffing. Update their statuses automatically, streamlining shifts and eliminating the need for manual control.

Read the article

Manage groups

Groups are very useful if you have multiple departments handling different cases, e.g., Sales and Support. They can significantly shorten case resolution time and reduce transfers between agents in different departments. Groups are available in Team, Business and Enterprise plans. Groups are available in Team, Business and Enterprise plans. Create a group 1 First, go to Team>Groups and select +New group. 2 Enter the name of the group. 3 Select the agents you want to assign to this group.

Read the article

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