Outbound messages is a dedicated place where you can monitor your customers, manage their details, and initiate contact with them. It’s like a convenient, powerful mini CRM inside your LiveChat account!
Installation![Link icon]()
- Navigate to the LiveChat Marketplace -> Outbound messages app.
- Select Get to install the app on your LiveChat account.
Once the installation is complete, you’ll find outbound messages in the Engage -> Outbound messages section.
Let’s dive in and see what you can achieve with it!
All customers![Link icon]()
The All customers tab is where you can find a list of all of your customers along with associated data like the channels they used to contact you, their email addresses, countries, cities, number of chats they had with you, and the day of the last contact you had with them.
Select a customer from the list to expand the Details tab. There you can edit their record.
What’s crucial about this tab is that changing their data here will affect every other place in the LiveChat app. For example, changing their name in the Details tab will affect how they’re displayed in the LiveChat Archives section, Traffic section, or in ongoing chats!
Currently, you can edit customers’ names and email addresses, review recent conversations, and add notes.
Expand the Conversations tab to review the last two chats you had with a chosen customer. Select See all to enter archives that include all of the chats you had with this customer.
Expand the Notes tab to review the last two notes you or other agents assigned to this customer. Select See all to access all notes assigned to this customer.
To add a note, select Add new.
Create outbound![Link icon]()
This section lets you set the outbound communication in motion. For now, it supports WhatsApp messaging only, but you can expect the list of supported channels to grow in the near future!