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Share files on chat

Alicja Pawliczak
3 min read
updated: Sep 20, 2022

Sometimes sending an image, a pdf with instructions, or a spreadsheet with your pricing is easier than typing out all the information on chat. That’s why in LiveChat, both agents and customers can easily share files.

Send a file on chatLink icon

To share a file with a customer on chat, follow these steps:

  1. When chatting with a customer, click on the paperclip icon. You will find it in the bottom left of the text area.

Share files in LiveChat

  1. Choose files you want to upload. Remember that each file can’t be bigger than 10MB. All the files you select for upload will be listed before sending.

You can also copy to clipboard and paste the file into chat. You can use the key combinations (Control+C, Control+V for Windows and Command ⌘+C, Command ⌘+V for Mac) or right-click the file and pick the command from the menu.

Alternatively, drag and drop files into the chat. Click and hold the selected file and drag it over the chat area.

Drag&drop files in the chat.

  1. Click on the Send button to share files on chat.
  1. Review the preview and click on Upload file to confirm.

Upload files in LiveChat

Send a file on chat as a customerLink icon

Your customers can also send files on chat. To do it, they need to:

  1. Click on the paper icon positioned next to the text area.
  2. Select a file (or files) and click on Open.

Sending files in the chat widget

  1. Review the preview and click on Send files to confirm.

Customers can also copy to clipboard and paste the file into chat. They can use the key combinations (Control+C, Control+V for Windows and Command ⌘+C, Command ⌘+V for Mac) or right-click or the file and pick the command from the menu.

Alternatively, they can drag and drop files into the chat. They just need to select and hold the file and drag it over the chat widget.

After a file has been uploaded, both the agent and the customer will receive a link to the file. The link can be accessed later on in Archives and in the chat transcript.

Turn on/off file sharingLink icon

You can disable file sharing for agents and/or customers. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Chat settings > File sharing.
  2. Check the box to turn on or uncheck it to turn off the file sharing. There are separate options for customers and agents.
  3. Click on the Save changes button to finalize.

Enable/disable fire sharing in LiveChat

File sharing securityLink icon

Any file that can be a potential threat will be automatically filtered out by LiveChat. You can then decide whether you want to have access to it or not by choosing Get access or Discard.

This affects all MIME application type files, including .pdf files. The warning will show only for agents when a customer uploads a file.
This affects all MIME application type files, including .pdf files. The warning will show only for agents when a customer uploads a file.

Once you choose that a file shouldn’t be accessed, you (and other agents) won’t be able to click on the file link and download it. The same goes for the link to the file in Archives.

This ensures that agents don’t accidentally open files that may harm their computers or do some other kind of security-related damage.

You can undo this action by clicking on the Get access button.

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