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Sign up and log in with Apple

Ola Górska
3 min read
updated: Nov 4, 2024

Sign up with AppleLink icon

You can use Apple ID to create a LiveChat account. Go to and click on Create an account. Scroll down the signup form and click on Sign up with Apple.

Sign up with Apple

You will be redirected to Apple.

  1. Enter your Apple ID and password,
  2. Follow the steps required by Apple to set up your account. You will need to decide if you want your Apple ID to be public or private. See the section below for why this matters.
  3. Once you do, your account has been created!

You will be redirected to a page prompting you to add the LiveChat code to your website, add agents, connect with Facebook and more - you can do it immediately or opt to do it later. Take a look at our Handbook for Managers on how to make the best use of LiveChat.

Public vs. private Apple IDLink icon

If you decide to make your Apple ID public, your email address will be visible in the LiveChat app as your Agent name, to change it:

  1. Go to the Team section of the LiveChat app,
  2. Duble-click on your account on the list. This will open your Agent profile,
  3. Edit your Agent name.
Please note, that Agent email field in the Agent profile is not visible to the customers in the chat widget.

If you decide to set your Apple ID to private, the email address that will appear in the LiveChat app will be an anonymized email address provided by Apple.

Anonymised email example

This anonymized email will identify you in our database. Please be sure to provide it (not your Apple ID) if you need to start a chat with our Support Heroes.

If you don’t want it to appear as your name,

  1. Go to the Team section of the LiveChat app,
  2. Double-click on your account on the list. This will open your Agent profile,
  3. Edit your Agent name.

From now on you can use your Apple ID to log in to LiveChat.

Sign in with AppleLink icon

To log in using your Apple ID go to and click the Sign in with Apple button.

Log in with Apple

Next, enter the Apple ID you want to use to continue.

Please note, that you can only use the option to log in with Apple ID if you used the Sign up with Apple option to create your LiveChat account, or if you previously created a LiveChat account via LiveChat sign up using the same email address as your Apple ID.

If your Apple ID is the same email address as the one you used to create your LiveChat account via LiveChat sign up, but you are having trouble signing in with Apple, please make sure that your email address is verified by Apple.
If your Apple ID is the same email address as the one you used to create your LiveChat account via LiveChat sign up, but you are having trouble signing in with Apple, please make sure that your email address is verified by Apple.

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