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LiveChat vs. Drift comparison

Confused by brand messaging changes?

Revenue Acceleration, Conversation Cloud, you name it. Try a Drift competitor that keeps it simple with improved support and sales across multiple communication channels.

Free 14-day trial Omnichannel messaging Automation

LiveChat the best Drift alternative

Join more than 37,000 companies that trusted LiveChat

Logos of LiveChat customers Logos of LiveChat customers

A small biz today, a large enterprise tomorrow

All companies feel at home here. You can expect the same level of care, no matter the size of your business.

We’re a Drift alternative that does what it knows best.

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recommend this app

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Go beyond checkbox comparisons

Take a look at independent reviews to see what users have to say about LiveChat and Drift.

You’ll be taken care of 24/7

Use Help Center to find your way around LiveChat. You can ask for help anytime.
Support Heroes will never leave you confused over resources.

LiveChat customer support agents

Keep your sanity

See exactly how much and what you’ll pay for when you visit our pricing page — no need to book a meeting to get all the details.

Clear LiveChat pricing

Start your first customer chat in minutes

Enter your business email and use LiveChat right away. You won’t have to go through a bot conversation flow before starting your free trial.

Easy LiveChat installation
Tony Palazzo from Logical Postion
Logical Position logo
Our expectations were for LiveChat to help increase our leads by a little, and we had no idea that it would revolutionize the way we capture leads.
Tony Palazzo from Logical Postion

VP of Marketing

Read the story

Increase chat conversion

Get 14 days of LiveChat for free

Automation Robust reporting 24/7 availability

Reach more customers where they hang out

With LiveChat as a Drift alternative, your customers can connect with you using their favorite messaging apps, and you can reply to all messages in one place.

See all messaging channels
The list of messaging channels in the LiveChat app

Integrate with
200+ tools

Connect LiveChat with the apps you use and love. Chat with your customers, send their details to your CRM, manage orders, and accept payments.

LiveChat integrations

We’ll keep you
in the loop

You’ll never miss a new feature release or product update thanks to in-app messages, our monthly newsletter, and the updates page.

LiveChat product updates and notifications

We double down
on online data protection

We'll keep your data safe by using top-quality data centers and diverse geolocalization. This helps us go above and beyond the protection required by GDPR.

Data centers at LiveChat

Need more convincing?

Watch our demo to discover LiveChat — from L to t.

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Or if you already feel like we’re the Drift alternative you’ve been looking for:

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