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LiveChat vs. LivePerson comparison

Say no to buzzwords.
Go skyward.

Meet the LivePerson alternative that focuses on your growth and gets the job done without having to learn a glossary of made-up marketing phrases.

Free 14-day trial Easy setup Automation

LiveChat the best LivePerson alternative

Join more than 37,000 companies that trusted LiveChat

Logos of LiveChat customers Logos of LiveChat customers

Annual payment is an option, not an obligation

Month-to-month is available for you. Pick the plan and billing cycle that suits your needs from the transparent pricing you can find without googling.

We’re a LivePerson alternative that does what it knows best.

of users would
recommend this app

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on GetApp

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Starts from as little as $20 per month

No need to shell out $599 the moment you go from a trial to a paid account. And there are no additional charges for exceeding a conversation limit.

Steady as a rock

You can be sure we won’t let you down at the worst possible moment, even in the most complicated use cases you can come up with.

Effortless on the agent’s side

It takes a few minutes to figure out the best ways to use the Agent App before you start making your customers’ lives better.

Milena Wojewoda
We started with customer satisfaction at around 75%, and now, after we put together a dedicated group of agents, we’re at over 90%.
Milena Wojewoda


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Increase chat conversion

Get 14 days of LiveChat for free

Automation Robust reporting 24/7 availability

Reach more customers where they hang out

With LiveChat as a LivePerson alternative, your customers can connect with you using their favorite messaging apps, and you can reply to all messages in one place.

See all messaging channels
The list of messaging channels in the LiveChat app
ChatBot logo

Chatbot design for everyone

Automate your conversations with ChatBot's Visual Builder, empowering you to create AI chatbots quickly and without coding.

ChatBot app

Reporting and analytics that’s accessible and digestible

Keep track of key metrics across all plans, and adjust customer communication to make better business decisions.

Clear cancelation policy

If you decide we’re not a match, request a cancellation at any time in the panel under the Billing tab. Say goodbye to a 90-day cancellation policy.

LiveChat is what you make of it

Expand on the ways you use the tool by connecting it with over 200 integrations, including SnapCall that elevates showcasing your products to video calls.

LiveChat integrations

We double down
on online data protection

We'll keep your data safe by using top-quality data centers and diverse geolocalization. This helps us go above and beyond the protection required by GDPR.

Data centers at LiveChat

Need more convincing?

Watch our demo to discover LiveChat — from L to t.

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Or if you already feel like we’re the LivePerson alternative you’ve been looking for:

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