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Life writes the best stories, including the ones from behind virtual service desks.
If you're looking for an effective live chat strategy to copy or "common live chat scripts that work 100% of the time", I have bad news for you. These types of chat templates are nothing more than a shell of proper human-to-human contact. They won't fit any real situation outside of the most emotionally detached call centers. And these are thankfully a thing of the past!
Instead, here you can learn how real deals are being made, how sincere help is provided, and what gets rated as "good" by customers nowadays. The live chat scripts in question will be analyzed to provide you with insights from actual support and sales heroes.
We’ll show you the best live chat examples triggered by the necessity of the situation, hardened in the fires of questions, and perfected by dozens of agents.
Disclaimer: All of the conversations in this article happened in real life. We changed some details like names, links, and email addresses to keep everyone safe and anonymous. If you happen to be one of the customers who participated in those chats, we appreciate the good rating and hope the fact your conversation is included here brings a smile to your face!
Sales team chat scripts that earned us happy customers
Chances are, your company's live chat service consists of more than a lone chat support line. Sales and marketing teams have their usage for live chat tools as well.
Sales chats are often mistakenly pictured as insincere, full of marketing jargon and tricks. This, surprisingly, makes them the most popular live chat scripts among chat enthusiasts. Controversial subjects tend to attract publicity after all.
But on the contrary, salespeople are not tricksters who care only about money. The truth is, sales chats don't really differ much from support chats. So let's dive into the real-life bartering and negotiating that you can experience online, and see what good-rated conversations really look like!
The 3 best real-life sales chat examples
1. From trial to lead. Getting to know your customers, identifying their development steps, and making plans for the future.
The following conversation is a standard case of extending a free trial period for a customer. But what may not be so obvious is that it's a great opportunity to brainstorm with a client about their future. A simple question like “What is the timeframe for starting your project?” or “Do you have any plans for expansion already or would you prefer to keep the small business profile?” can trigger an awesome exchange about a customer’s future with your product.
The following conversation ended with an account executive reaching out to a client via email and helping them utilize LiveChat to their needs.
The transcript
Agent: Hello Anna!
To introduce myself quickly, my name is Debbie, and I'm a Business Development Rep at LiveChat and ChatBot.
I'm here to learn more about you and what you have in mind for your project, understand what goals you would like to achieve, and how a Chat solution could help you with it. Of course, this is also a space to answer all your questions so we can discover whether our solutions could be the right fit for you and then explore the best next steps.
How does that sound?
Here we can see a great example of an inspiring introduction that could make a customer think about their business and the ongoing sales conversation with an open mind.
Client: Hello Debbie :) Sounds good!
We received an email that we can extend our free trial as we have been using your tool for I believe 2-3 weeks. We are testing your tool to see if we can use it on our site - we would like to encourage our clients to send us their recruitment requirements live on your chat so we can answer their questions asap.
Agent: That sounds like something that will definitely simplify and optimize your process.
If a customer has a great idea, why not tell them so? Hearing it from another professional will make their day!
Client: We love your tool. It's the one we've been looking for for some time.
Agent: I'll be happy to extend your trial. To better assist you during this time, would you mind sharing which team will be using LiveChat on a daily basis and how big is this team?
Context matters. Don't think about such questions as rude or nosy, they can make a real difference in the way issues are resolved. After all, small companies will benefit more from different solutions than their bigger siblings.
Client: For now, it's 1-2 agents, my colleague, and myself.
Agent: Great, your trial has been extended 14 days more. Do you have any timeframe for the deployment of this project?
Client: Thanks! :) We started a few weeks ago and we are going to test our new tools between Nov and Dec.
Agent: I see, and since you're contemplating 2 agents now, what are your plans for expansion?
Would you be adding more agents in the near future?
Client: Not at the moment, but ideally, we would like to have 4 so we can split our clients and candidates visiting our website
Agent: Makes sense.
So Anna what do you think if I loop you in with one of our account executives who can guide you through the next steps for the implementation of LiveChat?
Client: Ok, great.
Agent: So I will loop you in via email.
Client: Ok, thanks.
Agent: Is this your main point of contact at
Client: Yep
Agent: Great!
Another good example of a crucial exchange - if you're planning to expand in the nearest future, you may benefit greatly from our assistance. We can guide you through the tools and how you can smoothly expand your team with LiveChat.
Agent: Is there something else I can help you with?
Client: Thank you Debbie ?
That's all ?
So our live chat will be working from today onwards ok?
Agent: Yes it will.
Client: ?
Agent: Have a nice day Anna!
Client: You too!
A nice polite conversation that ended up being rated as good service. No fireworks, no sales tricks. A sincere approach and a helping hand are often more than enough to make your customer's day.
2. Co-op between live chat support and a sales team.
Transfers are often associated with unwanted escalations. The good ol' Transfer me to your manager! may happen to the best live chat agents.
But honestly, the feature is meant to bring a seamless experience to everyone involved, and that's how chat services are looking at it. Thanks to transfers, in-between team cooperation can be a very quick and fruitful thing when done properly.
The next live chat script teaches us a few valuable lessons about transfers.
The transcript
Agent: Hello Dennis. What brings you to LiveChat?
Client: Hi. I trust you’re having a good day.
Agent: I am good thank you ? How are you doing today?
Client: Good ? My question is simple:
Can we use LiveChat with our backend services? We’re working on a chatbot and would like to integrate it with iMessage.
We’re registering on the Apple Business platform but we need to choose a partner and would very much like to use LiveChat if we can hook it up to a webhook.
Agent: Ok, I have to mention that I am not that technical, but later I can connect you to our Support Team. They will help you with technical questions.
A customer chose the sales chat line to talk about the technical aspects of LiveChat implementation. That's their right to do so, we can't expect them to know which channels deal with what queries. Our job is to handle the traffic properly and have an instant reroute available at hand if someone ends up in the wrong place.
Agent: Our LiveChat can be integrated in the Business Plan with iMessage, you can find more information here:
Could you tell me a little bit more about your project? And then I will transfer you to our Support Team to speak about technical solutions.
It's always worth checking if we can help the customer any further or if the transfer we're setting up for the next team is 100% suitable for them. The more you shorten the path between a customer's query and its resolution, the higher happiness ratings will appear on your chart.
Client: It’s a chatbot that needs to connect to a backend service to take actions on behalf of the user. We currently have integrations for Telegram and WhatsApp, but we’d like to add iMessage to the list.
With WhatsApp and Telegram, they call our backend URL, sending us the user’s message which we can then act on and reply to in an automated fashion.
Agent: Ok, let me connect you to our Support Team, they will be able to answer your questions.
Client: Thanks, Mark.
Agent: Hello ?
Client: Hi Veronica.
Agent: Please allow me a moment to read your chat with Mark.
It's ok for agents to ask for a minute of patience while they process the context after receiving a transfer. If you're the person transferring a chat, you can also send a "whisper", a message that is visible to agents only. This way you can quickly sum up the client's situation and save some valuable time.
Client: Alright.
Agent: If you'd like to connect a custom bot you can do it with the following API documentation:
To create and manage bot agents you should use our Configuration API:
For communication between the bot agent and your customers, you would need to use our
Agent Chat API:
Is the WhatsApp and Telegram integration taken from our Marketplace or do you have a custom one as well?
Sharing links to docs is a nice touch. This way you prevent wasting the customer’s time while they can search for the stuff you have on hand.
Client: We use a custom one for Telegram and currently use Twilio for WA.
Agent: As I understand, you'd like the bot to connect to LiveChat and pass messages to those integrations as well, is that correct?
Client: I’d like LiveChat to call our webhook URL.
Call our webhook URL when a user sends a message. And we’d like the bot to be able to respond to the user’s messages.
Agent: Thank you, please allow me w moment
Client: Okay.
Agent: For the webhooks, please check this documentation:
As for the bot, the 2 documents linked above should help you to set it up, to respond to users' messages.
Client: Awesome. Thank you very much.
Agent: You are very welcome!
The way the sales agent asks for more context to make sure the technical case reaches the correct person is important. Often gaining more knowledge before sending a client away can massively reduce their bouncy journey between different departments.
Always be sincere with yourself and the customer by letting them know that your knowledge may be limited on the subject they brought up. There is nothing wrong with not knowing something, but you need to have a proper follow-up. Either get an answer shortly after (by consulting other teams, for example) or lead to the expert who can really help. Let them know that they are not looking in the dark alone and you’re their light!
3. Negotiations etiquette
Negotiating product prices with customers sounds really stressful for the average Joe. Sales heroes, however, are well-educated in chat etiquette and can lead the conversation in a very calm and mutually respectful way. The following conversation will show us how such a conversation may look in real life, and how you can deal with some obstacles.
The transcript
Agent: Hey there! ?
Client: That was fast. I am looking for an agent Agnes.
Agent: It's me :))
Client: Cool!
Agent: Aga is my nickname, sorry for the confusion.
Client: Hello Agnes. Please cancel the meeting for tomorrow. I have just two quick questions.
We noticed the recent trend that customers like to limit unnecessary meetings. They’re just like us! Instant communication channels, like chat or SMS, seem to be taking over video and phone calls bit by bit. Even sales talks drift in this direction.
Agent: No problem! Happy to talk over here, it seems to be the most efficient way.
Client: I have spent a lot of time researching LiveChat and there is a WordPress plugin. I need HIPAA Compliance as we are a covered entity.
We are a startup so for now, we will have only one agent. We have 8 locations (hearing aid retail practices).
We will scale and add many more locations and will have more agents.
Agent: I understand.
The simple "I understand" answer is a nice way to show some active listening during a chat. Courtesy is always welcome and appreciated.
Client: How much does the enterprise plan cost? It is the only one that has HIPAA and Single Sign On. The problem is I have only one agent and we are a startup.
Agent: So actually, an enterprise plan is available for customers with a minimum of 10 agents
Client: Oh crap!
Agent: Sometimes we are able to add HIPAA to the business plan at an extra cost
Client: Can I get the business plan and add SSO and HIPAA as an add-on?
Agent: However, I have to check with my colleagues as there is a minimum deal amount upon which our legal team can sign a BAA
You are thinking like I am ?
Client: Haha yes.
Agent: In any case, HIPAA is an additional $40 per agent and SSO is also an additional $40 per agent on the business plan.
Client: The only other option I have (without breaking the bank) is DummyChat and they have a plan that does both for $70 per month per agent.
Your site says $20 for SSO.
Agent: Oh! Let me check that, I may not be up to date, in this case ?
All the way down.
Agent: Oh! Wow, they just added that, my apologies!
You are correct!
Don't shy away from admitting a mistake. We're all human and we have a right to miss things. Admit the mistake and move on elegantly - that's how you do it.
Client: Assuming it is $20 for SSO and $40 for HIPAA that would put my cost at $120/Month, way higher than DummyChat! Shucks!
Agent: Yeah, also we require an annual commitment to HIPAA compliance.
Client: That's not a problem but the cost is. If you can't be flexible about the cost, I am afraid I may have to go DummyChat.
Agent: What amount would you be willing to pay for a Business plan + HIPAA + SSO?
Client: Both platforms are SSO compatible with our identity provider.
Since DummyChat is $70, I am comfortable with $75? Annual is fine.
Agent: I am afraid 75 won't be an option unfortunately, but let me take it to my management and see what we can do.
Client: Please email me.
Agent: I will discuss it with them and get back to you via email.
Taking extra steps even in the face of almost no chance of success is what makes a service stand out. Customers are usually well aware that there is no chance of getting exactly what they want, but they may be willing to give your product a try if you'll find some middle ground they can walk through with you. It's always worth a try and clients will appreciate it.
Client: Exactly! I appreciate your efforts, Aga!
Agent: My pleasure Andrew, I will do my best to come back with a good offer!
Client: Thanks! Bye now! Have a great day!
Agent: I will try to get back to you by the end of the day.
Same to you thanks!
Client: Thanks, bye ?
Not every conversation can end up pleasing every party. But we can at least try to get as close to the desired goals as possible. The middle ground doesn't always win us a customer, but it will at least leave them with a good impression of a service that tries hard to deliver as much as possible.
Mistakes happen. Don't be afraid to admit them even in the moment - in front of a customer. It can be daunting, even scary, but the human face you end up showing is a value on its own. If a customer feels a human connection/contact, they may end up liking you even more because of it! But always make sure to make up for it and never stay on the subject for too long
Courtesy and good manners will take you further than any trick.
Support team live chat scripts. 20+ years of experience in action
Helplines, including chat service, tend to be compared to Employee Hell. These allegations took root in our general experiences with the old call centers. And we often took it out on the poor agent behind the mobile phone who had no control over who and when the system was calling.
Thankfully those days are mostly over. The helplines are now mostly reactive, available, and run by real heroes who can carry you to your destination with a smile. Because of this, the work has become more demanding in terms of professionalism and interpersonal skills.
Let's dive into the 20+ years of LiveChat’s experience in the field.
The 3 best real-life support chat examples
1. Sharing is caring. From one agent to another.
Good advice inspired by real events is much more valuable to and appreciated by customers than you think. Let's see how live chat support agents can share their know-how in style!
The transcript
Agent: Hi, nice to see you here. How can I help you?
Client: Hello - I have some questions regarding timeout and general chat handling.
The option to transfer to another agent is nice. Is there something like that once a chat has become idle?
In testing as the chat visitor, we can restart the chat but we get the same agent that could still be busy. Just wondering about the best way to handle situations like this internally. Training and/or settings combination???
The customer seems to know LiveChat well. The message shows that they tested some solutions before coming to the chat and they have a specific query in mind. Naturally, not everyone will come with a 100% accurate description of their issue on a plate, so don't be afraid to ask for more context if necessary. The more you know, the better you can deliver!
Agent: I'm afraid there's no setting like that, but if such a situation happens, when an agent is busy and can't take the chat, we offer an option for an agent to change the status to "don't accept chats". That way this particular agent won't get any chats and the visitor will be assigned to an agent who actually has the time to chat.
Or you can lower Agent's concurrent chat limit if the current number is too big.
Another option is a takeover from a supervisor.
Sharing multiple solutions that a customer could pick from or ask additional questions about is a sign of full commitment to the issue resolution. It can sometimes inspire them to share additional context vital to the case.
Client: If the agent changes to not accept chats... and a chat that was idle gets restarted by the visitor... what happens?
Agent: Changing status doesn't cause an active chat to transfer or close - it's still assigned to the same agent. So in your example, that agent would need to change his status when he gets busy - not when he already gets the chat he can't take care of.
For example, we are chatting right now and you're giving me a task/case that I see is going to be time-consuming. So I am changing my status right now to prevent myself from getting more chats.
Explaining how things work with examples is one of the best ways to avoid any mistakes or misconceptions.
Client: The scenario where: an agent is busy and one chat timeouts to idle...then the agent changes status....then the visitor restarts the chat (in that order).... will the original agent get that chat??
Agent: The chat is idle, not closed so it's still assigned to that same agent.
Client: That makes sense!
Agent: When a visitor or agent sends a new message in an idle chat that chat becomes active.
And it's still assigned to the same agent. It will prevent future occurrences.
By changing the status I mean.
Client: So in your example, I would recommend changing the status by the agent when they get busy and informing visitors about such a situation + asking if they need more help. If so agent can transfer the chat to another available person.
Agent: Something like this:
My shift is over for today but my colleagues will be more than happy to answer any other questions you might have. Would you like me to transfer you to another agent?
That's our canned response for the situation when the agent's shift ends but the chat is still idle.
The agent shared an awesome personal work habit, a canned response. If it works for you, it will also work for a customer. Or at least inspire them to implement something similar on their end.
Client: We are starting small... so we may just revert to ticketing until we know our expected volume
Agent: Sure thing! That's an option too but I would definitely try out status changes and informing customers about the situation first :)
Client: Meaning...we wouldn't have that many agents available.
Agent: That approach was a real game changer for us.
And finishing the conversation with a bit of good advice. If you know one solution could be better than another, say it. You're an expert on the subject, customers know and appreciate that.
Client: Agreed. Thanks so much! Live and learn. have a great weekend!
Agent: It was a pleasure, have a great day! If you have any questions feel free to contact us!
Feel and act as the expert you're. Don't be afraid to share your knowledge and opinions when you're sure they will benefit your business.
When in doubt, ask for more context to get a full picture of customers' situations. Get to know them, and ask about the way they handle their businesses in general. Every bit of information can help you (and very often customers themselves) get a better idea of what they actually need.
Present solutions with examples to avoid misunderstandings.
2. Getting in the customer’s shoes
Would you help your grandpa cross a street safely? Lead him step by step and stop cars on the way? If the answer is yes, you're already great material for a support hero role. A true live chat software support specialist will treat customers in a similar way. Let them learn the software at their own pace, and accompany them to their destination. Understanding your customers deeply and caring for their well-being is what makes chat support teams so outstanding.
Let's see a hero in action in the following live chat scripts.
The transcript
Agent: Hi! How can I help you?
Client: Hi there! I'm installing the plugin for the first time on a client site and I have activated the WordPress plugin.
When I get to Step 6 "Sign in with your LiveChat credentials" I am unable to sign in.
Agent: Do you see any errors when you try to sign in?
~Screenshot showing the customer's screen
Screenshots are often the best way to communicate precisely. If you want to omit misunderstandings, try showing what you mean with a picture. Also, encourage them to do the same. In case they're not sure how to send you a screenshot, have a canned response or a tutorial link at hand. You'll be surprised how effortless problem-solving will become!
Agent: Okay, it looks like you have signed in then :)
Client: I can sign in to LiveChat, but I can't move past
Agent: There should be a button to skip that step in one of the corners of the screen
Client: Ok, now I have an alert that I have not installed LiveChat on my website :)
Agent: Would you please provide your website address?
Just as with screenshots, checking stuff in a working environment live can be the fastest way to unravel the culprit behind an issue. Asking for access to such environments can be daunting, but it may be the next step to upping your live chat service game. Learn to do that politely and always provide an explanation of why direct access is so important.
Agent: Okay, it looks all good on my side. The chat is installed and hidden until gets activated with a greeting ( The info bar at the top and in settings should update shortly, could be caused by a slight delay on our side due to high traffic.
Client: Oh my goodness, it looks like the chat is active on all our web pages!
Thank you :)
Agent: Yes, it is indeed :)
Client: How can I only make it show on one page?
Agent: You can use URL Rules for that. To set up URL rules please go to Settings > Chat settings > URL rules (you can follow this link as well:
Client: Is there any way to turn it off completely for now while I finish the configuration?
Agent: Sure, you can hide it in Settings completely here:
Client: When I click that link, it redirects me to
Agent: Hmm, okay. Could you please skip this message and go to Settings > Chat widget > Customization > Position?
Client: Is that cool!
Oops. I meant to say, that's so cool!
Alright, so now I choose "Always hide minimized widget icon"?
Agent: Yes, correct :)
Client: Awesome
Agent: Glad to hear that!
Taking customers through the application settings in a step-by-step fashion is always welcome. From my personal experience, people really appreciate it when you teach them to handle the product on their own, without the constant help from live chat support teams. The old saying "Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for the rest of his life" kinda works here.
Client: Do you have documentation that you can send me that will walk me through disabling the chat on all pages except for one?
Agent: Okay, let me walk you through that now.
Client: Or, do you think that it would be better for me to uninstall the WordPress widget and just install the code on one specific page?
You're awesome!
Agent: Thank you ?
What is the page where you'd like the widget to be visible?
Actually, I'm redirecting that now
So, I'd like the chat to be on and
Agent: Is that a temporary solution or are you going to accept chats only from those pages?
Client: For the moment, only on these two pages.
We may, in the future, want to offer chat on other pages, but right now (for the foreseeable future) just those two pages.
Agent: Hm, let me think of the best solution here
Client: Cool
Traditional live chat scripts usually treat very vague and general queries. Unfortunately, they'll almost never be applicable to a real-life conversation because each case is resolved in different circumstances, with different emotions, and personal and business goals. Sometimes you need to trust your gut and take ownership of the situation. No worries though, you can always take a minute or two and think about the path you want to take the customer on. Just let them know you're figuring out their case.
Agent: The best solution here would be to create another group, that would be assigned to those two pages.
To add a new group you need to go to the Agents section in the left panel, switch to groups, and click on the 'Add a group' button.
After that, you can set up routing for those two pages, just as here:
In the 'Position' settings, make sure the widget is hidden for the General group and always shows for the other group (you can choose the group on top of the page).
Client: Sounds like a great solution!
Agent: I'm glad to hear that! Let me know if you have any questions along the way :)
Client: I will, thank you!
[A short break in the conversation]
Client: Alright, Robert, thank you so much.
I have Live Chat installed on the site the way I want
You truly are a support hero :)
Have a great night!
Agent: Awesome, I'm happy to hear that!
Have a good one :D
Help customers by helping yourself first. Use assists like screenshot tools and always check if you can investigate the user’s setup directly in their environment (if possible and with special care). Live chats are not exclusively about texting only. Learn to use all the available tools to your advantage.
Don't rush with links and full-blown tutorials. Take one-by-one steps with your customers. Let them understand what's going on and learn about your product at their pace. Resolving an issue is one thing, preventing it from happening again (or teaching them how to handle the issue in the future) is the ultimate goal.
You can actually take your time while resolving issues. Just make sure they are aware that you're working on providing the best resolution to their case, and make sure they're not in a hurry. If they are, push the case to a ticket. There is no reason to keep customers glued to their screens while you're digging in.
3. Trial by fire
Support lines are often referred to as the frontlines, and not without reason. Agents march into the storm of questions side by side while facing time, stress, emotions, and responsibility.
Let's see how professionals stand firm and lead customers to victory.
The transcript
Client: Hi there!
Agent: How can I help you?
Client: Hi I am in need of someone to help ensure we are set up and ready to go by tomorrow. This is trial by fire at this point understandable. Is there anyone that could assist me live or is it all online?
Agent: We don't offer visits like that but I will be more than happy to take a look at your setup remotely and make some suggestions if needed :)
Client: We are doing a virtual tradeshow experience as our live show for this week was canceled due to the coronavirus.
So we wanted to have a live chat feature on our main landing page.
I am going to have our agents get set up initially.
Agent: Sure! I am checking your settings as we speak.
Active chatting 101. Let customers know that you're following their messages closely, and they'll be more engaged in the conversation and share their thoughts about the issue.
Client: My operations manager is working on setting Live Chat up on our website landing page.
I have customized it to include our branding colors and logo.
I would like for you to let me know about the logo size. Isn't it too big?
Agent: The logo looks fine, it only looks kind of weird when you look at the sneak peek on the right side. When you go to your testing page (https://examplepage/preview/) it looks good!
I presume you are going to get all the agent's pictures uploaded?
Client: I have asked them to create their accounts now.
Agent: Okay, great!
Client: Yes logo looks amazing on our production site.
Agent: I can confirm the chatbox itself looks great! Let me dig deeper and see if I can make any more suggestions.
Client: Ok.
You may, depending on your line of service, encounter chats where customers come to ask about your opinion and suggestions regarding the way they're handling your product. This is a great opportunity to shine with your experience. With some personalization, you will gain invaluable customer trust. Take on the challenge and share some insight on their setup. Just remember to put your heart into it. Insincere advice will quickly put them off.
Agent: You can also customize the automatic text that is displayed within the chat, eg. top bar, welcome message, etc. in the Language section in settings ->
If you want your customers to get an even better experience, you can customize all your forms, eg. pre-chat survey here ->
You can also customize your eye-catcher and browse our gallery here ->
I don't want to overflood you with my suggestions so I will let you check out my suggestions so far and let me know if you need my further assistance!
Here is a nice example of an agent's thoughtfulness and caring approach. Sharing just enough information is an acquired skill. As an agent, you may want to consider how much text can fit in the chat window. Sharing too much information in such a small frame may not be comprehensible, so dividing it or stopping yourself from sending too much is worth learning.
Client: Thank you. What is the maximum character count for the top bar?
Let me check that now.
Agent: I have just tested it out and there is no limit as far as I can see :)
Sometimes we need to test something on the go to get answers. You can't always remember every little detail about your products, but very often you're able to check them out on the spot. Use that to your advantage.
Client: What is the message placeholder?
Agent: It's the part where a customer writes their message.
By default, it says "Write a message…" but you can customize it for your own needs.
Client: And the default user name?? Says "visitor".
Agent: That is when you do not have a required pre-chat survey. It will display "Visitor" instead of the actual customer's name.
Client: Ahhh. Okay, setting that up now.
Agent: Sure thing!
~Pause in the conversation
Agent: Keeping the chat open in case you need me!
Some chats have a system that closes them in the event a conversation goes idle for a few minutes. Agents can simply send a message in chat to keep it going. We use that opportunity to ask if a customer needs anything else or if any questions arose. It's a good use for a canned response.
Client: Hi, thank you. Yes, I am having my agents create their accounts and getting ready to update my pre-chat survey.
Agent: Sure thing! I'm just making sure the chat doesn't close in case you need me :)
Client: Thank you again.
Agent: Of course, no worries!
Client: What is the best practice for pre-chat surveys? Any max number of questions?
Agent: I'm afraid we do not have any suggestions regarding that as it is really up to your needs and the kind of business you are running. You may want to have a look at our knowledgebase article on surveys ->
Treat your customer service position from the standpoint of an expert. You are, in the eyes of your customers, an expert on the subjects they need help with. You're the best person on the planet for the job.
Keeping chats active until customers admit they have all the answers they need is a must. Especially if your routing system doesn't reconnect customers to their previous agents.
Being aware of how your chat looks on the customer’s end will vastly improve your messaging skills. Sending the right amount of text and keeping a steady pace will make your clients more comfortable and happy.
So what are the takeaways from these critically acclaimed chat scripts? What is a perfect live chat?
The perfect live chat is one that takes both parties one step further - meaning, as close to the desired resolution as possible.
The goal may not always be clear at the start of the chat, but we as support and sales teams are responsible for identifying the real needs and taking the right action.
How do you make a live chat memorable?
Making an additional effort, especially in the face of impossible queries, is what uplifts a chat from the status of a great one to a memorable one.
How do you start a conversation with a client on chat?
A simple and sincere "Hello, how may I help you today :)" is all you need. Don't focus on how the chat starts, make sure it ends the way you want. As long as you approach each new conversation with the attitude of a hero, you'll do great.
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