LiveChat helps you delight your customers and fuels your sales.

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LiveChat is a complete customer service platform that delights your customers and fuels your sales.

Trusted by 36,000+ companies

LiveChat helps you delight your customers and fuels your sales.


Customers expect support for products they buy. Besides that simple fact, nothing is obvious or given about customer service. In Support we cover the best ways to improve the customer experience and make sure your customers come back for more.

Canned Response Examples: Best Practices for You to Copy

Canned responses can be a key chat tool in creating a great customer experience. They can make your customer service team fast and precise, leaving them more time and brain space for the personal touch that will make your business stand out.  Such pre-saved messages can help... read more

15 minutes
Mar 2, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Customer Service

Customer-centric is a trendy word, but you often only get generic and superficial knowledge about the topic. In this guide, we'll tell you the whole story of customer service for the new year and beyond. We'll cover the subject from our own perspective at LiveChat, and we'll... read more

Marta Kuzma and 2 others
34 minutes
Jan 27, 2023

How To Choose The Best Live Chat For Support Teams (With Examples)

As the live chat software market continues to grow globally, businesses are realizing the value live chat support can bring to customers and companies. But market growth means there are more and more options of communication software to choose from, making choice overload, or... read more

9 minutes
Dec 21, 2022

Improving Customer Response Time with Knowledge Base Software

Time is of the essence in customer service. Whether it comes to page loading speed, product and service delivery, or the responsiveness of a support team, time can make or break the experience of your customer. Experience has become a product, and one of its most important... read more

8 minutes
Sep 19, 2022

SMS Communication in Customer Service

SMS (Short Messaging Service) is the most frequently used messaging system in America. According to a study by Simple Texting, nearly 26 billion SMS messages are sent every day in the USA. It’s a testament to their convenience since nearly everyone uses SMS at some point during... read more

Wojciech Pollok
3 minutes
Jul 4, 2022

How to Use LiveChat Reports to Plan Your Customer Service

Team management isn't about bossing people around — but you already know that. It's mainly about planning your team's work and unlocking its full potential. Being a support leader is a little like being a coach — a soccer coach, for instance. First, you plan your team's tactics.... read more

7 minutes
Jun 20, 2022

Women in Tech: Insights from Anna-Paula Cederholm [Video]

We finally welcomed a guest back to our studio, and it was a pleasure to have Anna-Paula not only as the first one, but helping us understand what are the challenges women face when entering the world of Tech. She shares her story and delivers priceless advice for those of you... watch now

29 min watch
Video Incoming Chat

How Customer Service Can Make You Succeed [Video]

Customer service is so much more than just a department for complaints and answering calls from mad customers. In our new show, Guides to Success, we will show you how to strategize your customer service in a way that can make your brand unforgettable and help you make more money... watch now

13 min watch
Video Guides to Success

Building and Leading a Sales Team with Alex Wilson [Video]

Episode 4 of Incoming Chat. Alex Wilson, VP of sales for LiveChat, opened up about the challenges of being a good salesman, creating a strong sales team, and the cultural differences that affect international companies. watch now

25 min watch
Video Incoming Chat