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Business psychology

How to Make a Rebranding That Solves Your Problems

Successful rebranding goes beyond aesthetics and coming up with a new logo to appear fresh and relevant in the ever-changing world. First of all, it should solve problems that the brand is currently facing. In the world of information overload and short attention spans, it can be... read more

Linda Cartwright
11 minutes
Jan 30, 2019

Connect with customers

LiveChat is a complete customer service platform that delights your customers and fuels your sales

Companies Offering Convenience Are Taking Over The World

I think that there is a revolution taking place in the world of business. I call it The Convenience Revolution, and I’ve written an entire book about it and how you can use convenience to take your customer service to the next level. This revolution is affecting all kinds of... read more

Shep Hyken
5 minutes
Aug 31, 2018

The Real Meaning of Making Notes in Business

How many times have you had an amazing idea right before you fall asleep and you were so sure, you’re gonna remember it the next day but then you woke up and boom! All you know is that you had an awesome idea, but now you have “no idea” what it was whatsoever? It happens a lot to... read more

7 minutes
Nov 7, 2017

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The Art of Negotiation: How to Solve Conflicts with Tough Clients

Sales agents deal with difficult customers each day. Most of the time, it’s easy to handle this type of situation but sometimes you need to show some serious negotiation skills in order to avoid bigger conflicts. This is very important because of the well-known mantra that the... read more

Karen Dikson
5 minutes
Aug 22, 2017

What Is Your Team Management Style?

We tend to think of ourselves in ways that are more flattering than are warranted. It’s probably our human tendency to see ourselves through rose-colored glasses! We tend to believe that we are better customers, better employees or better bosses than we actually are. The sad... read more

6 minutes
Jul 14, 2017

How Teamwork Activities Help to Build a Strong Team Spirit

I remember that when I joined LiveChat, we had about 30 employees working in a small, quite dingy house. Every day, after coming to work, we did a small tournée around all rooms, saying “hi” to every group of people. We met in the kitchen during lunch and kept each other up to... read more

8 minutes
Jun 30, 2017

6 Down-To-Earth Business Lessons from Rand Fishkin

Hosting a podcast is a great way of gathering tons of knowledge and learning from the best, that’s for sure. What I discovered though was that it also gives you the opportunity to meet amazing people, and listen to their stories. A quick explanation for those who don’t know what... read more

7 minutes
May 26, 2017

The Zuckerberg Effect: Qualities of a Good Boss

Mark Zuckerberg is probably one of the most beloved leaders in the business world. With a whopping 99% approval rating from his employees, he seems to be more of a superhero than a regular boss. But the thing is that he looks just like an “everyday normal guy.” If you didn’t know... read more

6 minutes
Jan 27, 2017

5 Tips on How to be a Good Boss and a Great Leader

The worst thing about being a bad boss is that you don’t realize it. You think that your employees like you, enjoy working with and call you a good boss. Then, it suddenly turns out that conversations stop when you’re entering a room. And that you’re the only person that’s not... read more

6 minutes
Jan 6, 2017

Why So Serious: Funny Business Quotes

We usually talk about business like it’s the most serious thing in the world. But, in all its seriousness, business can also be funny - that is if you give it a chance. In today’s article, I’ve prepared a few funny business quotes along with the descriptions. Treat this read like... read more

5 minutes
Jul 29, 2016