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LiveChat helps you delight your customers and fuels your sales.


8 Ways to Decrease Shopping Cart Abandonment Rates

Picture this – you are heading a brick and mortar store and watching customers lined up at the cash counter makes for a delightful sight until they abruptly change their minds and leave without making a purchase. Ouch. Now, that’s a ‘so close, yet so far’ kind of a situation.... read more

Adela Belin
7 minutes
Nov 9, 2018

Compared E-commerce Platforms for Building a Perfect Site That Converts

Running a successful online business is never an easy task. Whether a business will succeed or not depends on numerous factors, some of which aren’t even in your control. Luckily, this means that there are factors that you can control and it means that choosing the best... read more

Nina Ritz
7 minutes
Nov 6, 2018

How to Increase Ecommerce Conversion Rate with Live Chat

I like to dig out marketing insights like a gold miner digs for gold. Uncovering a new marketing insight is like discovering a gold nugget that has the potential to increase ecommerce conversion rate. Conversion is where the money is. Recently, as I was digging through data for a... read more

Michael Cooney
7 minutes
Oct 12, 2018

5 Landing Page Best Practices Proven to Convert in All Campaigns

A majority of businesses feel that generating leads is one of their top challenges, which isn’t much of a surprise considering: 61% of companies run 5 or less landing page tests per month 48% of landing pages contain multiple offers 75% of marketers struggle with optimizing... read more

Tyson Quick
6 minutes
Oct 5, 2018

5 Lead Generation Hacks for Ecommerce Brands

In 2017, HubSpot conducted a study to understand the relationship between customers and brands, and how it is evolving. The study revealed that 63% of marketers report their biggest challenge is generating enough leads and traffic. So if there’s a surefire way to ensure business... read more

Brandon Brown
7 minutes
Jul 6, 2018

What Is GDPR Compliance and Why You Should Care

“Online privacy” is a big phrase recently, but might seem to be underestimated by online users at the same time. Let’s take the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal. It still lives in media. The US Congress put Zuckerberg through the hoops. And a couple of days ago, Facebook... read more

7 minutes
May 11, 2018

Text Messaging For Ecommerce and 15+ Useful SMS Templates

Did you know that every person in the US receives around 32 text messages per day? It’s a pretty big deal, isn’t it? We’re using SMS to inform our family members we’ll be late for dinner, share new experiences, jokes or ideas with our friends or postpone meetings due to ever... read more

Emily Johnson
11 minutes
Apr 30, 2018

Top Tips to Master B2B Lead Generation Using Live Chat

As a B2B company, you’ll know that the process of attracting, nurturing, and converting leads is the cornerstone of your business. However, it’s tricky to maintain a steady volume of high-quality leads, especially through email, content, and social media. Here's where LiveChat... read more

Maryann Thomas
12 minutes
Apr 20, 2018

How Live Chat Can Help Improve Average Order Value

I’m sure most - if not all - ecommerce store owners will agree that the only thing better than making a sale is making an even bigger sale. Whether selling more big-ticket items than usual or offloading an increased number of small-ticket products during individual transactions,... read more

Anthony Capetola
13 minutes
Apr 13, 2018

How to Improve Your Landing Page Conversion Rates

Having an online business is challenging. You need to staff your website with the high-quality content and great graphics or photos. You need to come up with ideas to bring people to your website - from social media, other websites and mostly, from search engines. You want people... read more

6 minutes
Mar 13, 2018

How to Boost Traffic with These Five Ecommerce Website Tools

Anyone who has managed an e-commerce business knows how difficult it is to sell online and boost returns on investment. Even the best online sellers have to constantly innovate in order to sustain their sales growth. This is where e-commerce website tools come handy. E-commerce... read more

Diana Ford
6 minutes
Feb 27, 2018

How to Manage the Growing Pains of Your New Chatbot

If there is any evidence we’re living in the future, the rise of chatbots is about as clear as it gets. While it might seem like this phenomenon has only been around for a couple short years, chatbots have actually been around since 1966! However, it wasn’t until 2016 when bots... read more

Phong Ly
6 minutes
Feb 23, 2018

Preparing Your E-Commerce Site for the Mobile-First Index

With 2018 just around the corner, we wanted to make sure you were prepared for some big changes that are coming in the New Year. If you manage an ecommerce site, or you have clients who have an ecommerce site, this post is going to outline how you can be preparing now for... read more

Gavin Hirst
12 minutes
Dec 8, 2017

How To Optimize Your Checkout For Better Mobile Conversion

More and more shoppers are doing their online shopping through their mobiles. After all, why fire up the PC or the laptop, when you have a perfectly good mini computer in your back pocket? For you as an online vendor though, this means that you need to optimize the checkout... read more

Brenda Berg
9 minutes
Oct 31, 2017

5 Awesome Use Cases of Chatbots in Ecommerce

Long gone are the days of the old-style chatbots on sites like AOL Messenger. Many of us remember how poorly programs of the past rendered human speech, but in the decades since, live chat has come on leaps and bounds. In fact, some AI programs are so advanced, it can be hard to... read more

4 minutes
Aug 15, 2017