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Online Marketing

Elementary Mistakes to Avoid When Planning a Marketing Strategy

Over the past few years, the basic process of planning a marketing strategy has been more or less the same, with only a few minor tweaks brought about by advanced tools and newer (digital) communication channels. However, you’d be surprised to know that despite having tons of... read more

6 minutes
Sep 23, 2016

4 Product Launch Ideas to Make It Successful

So you’ve come up with a product that has the potential to be a huge success. But you’re not sure how to go about with the launch. You’re right to be concerned about your product launch because with so many products in the market, there’s a huge risk of failure. You need to come... read more

5 minutes
Sep 8, 2016

What Makes a Good Website: 4 Secrets of Website Design

Imagine this situation. You wake up, check your calendar and you realize it’s your mother’s birthday tomorrow and you’ve forgotten to buy her a present. Luckily, you still have time to go to a jewelry store and get her a nice pair of earrings. The problem is, you have no idea... read more

6 minutes
May 30, 2016

How to Use Twitter to Create Relationships For Business

Forming a strategy for your Twitter is a must but it’s only the beginning. The next big things are creating an engaging content and nurturing relationships on Twitter with your customers. Luckily you can build relationships through smart, well–planned messaging. To do that you... read more

8 minutes
Apr 8, 2016

Great Marketing Quotes for Breaking the Ice with Your Audience

Welcome to another chapter of our Book of Quotes. Recently it was all about sales quotes and tips on how can you keep a positive attitude during the sales process. Now it’s time to open the next chapter – Marketing Quotes. Being good at marketing means you need to know your... read more

4 minutes
Feb 8, 2016

What Patagonia Can Teach Us About Cause Marketing

For many people cause marketing is a corny sales trick. All those donation-with-purchase actions we can see on every corner. All these companies shouting: “pick me, pick me, I donate to charity! I care!”. Like, for example, Coke. You might not remember, but back then, in 2011,... read more

7 minutes
Oct 19, 2015

How to Write a Case Study

Sharing the success stories of your customers in the form of a case study is one of the most powerful things you can do for your business. No matter what you do or what kind of product you sell, showing that it worked for some real person out there and that person is satisfied... read more

10 minutes
Jan 23, 2015

How to Create Sh***y Content: 7 Tips to Avoid

Have you ever wondered how the greatest newsletters and blog articles are born? Which spells are cast to make product descriptions as interesting as the greatest novels? How to create extraordinary content? I’m sorry to disappoint you, it's not the kind of knowledge you are going... read more

4 minutes
Dec 16, 2014