How to Write a PERFECT Customer Service Email?

Mar 8, 2024
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Customer Service Emails: We all get at least a few weekly, but most companies still don’t know how to do it right. Today, I’ll make sure that you’re not one of them.

We’ll discuss some common mistakes businesses make and how to turn a poorly written email into a great one in 6 steps.

1. Start with a clear subject line
2. Address the customer by name
3. Show empathy and understanding
4. Provide specific information
5. Be courteous and professional
6. End with a clear call to action

So, there you have it! Writing the perfect customer service email is not that difficult if you follow these simple steps. Remember to show empathy and understanding, provide specific information, and be courteous and professional.

00:00 Introduction
00:25 Example of poorly written customer service email
01:07 Example of well-written customer service email
01:53 Steps to writing the perfect customer service email
02:21 Start with a clear subject line
03:07 Address the customer by name
05:53 Show empathy and understanding
07:24 Provide specific information
08:11 Be courteous and professional
08:50 End with a clear call-to-action
09:40 PERFECT Customer Service Email

Customer Service Emails: We all get at least a few weekly, but most companies still don’t know how to do it right. Today, I’ll make sure that you’re not one of them.

We’ll discuss some common mistakes businesses make and how to turn a poorly written email into a great one in 6 steps.

1. Start with a clear subject line
2. Address the customer by name
3. Show empathy and understanding
4. Provide specific information
5. Be courteous and professional
6. End with a clear call to action

So, there you have it! Writing the perfect customer service email is not that difficult if you follow these simple steps. Remember to show empathy and understanding, provide specific information, and be courteous and professional.

00:00 Introduction
00:25 Example of poorly written customer service email
01:07 Example of well-written customer service email
01:53 Steps to writing the perfect customer service email
02:21 Start with a clear subject line
03:07 Address the customer by name
05:53 Show empathy and understanding
07:24 Provide specific information
08:11 Be courteous and professional
08:50 End with a clear call-to-action
09:40 PERFECT Customer Service Email

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